The Jewish cemetery in Heřmanův Městec is one of the oldest and best preserved in the Czech Republic. Although no written records of the cemetery's founding have survived, it was most likely there as early as the beginning of the 15th century, when Jewish settlement in our town is demonstrable.
The current area of the cemetery, located in the northeastern part of the town in Havlíčkova Street, is almost 4,000 m2. There are 1,077 gravestones in 21 rows, including a tumba from 1844 and a large tomb from the mid-19th century.
The gravestones are mostly sandstone, some marble. Inscriptions on the graves appear in Hebrew, German, Czech, and sometimes a combination of these languages.
There are two buildings in the cemetery grounds - the cemetery caretaker's house and a mortuary from 1838 with a memorial plaque to the victims of Nazism and a hearse.
The cemetery is owned by the Jewish Religious Community in Prague.
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