The heart-warming musical comedy "Lotrando and Zubejda" is a feature-film fairytale directed by Karel Smyczek and written by Zdeněk Svěrák. The plot is based on the adaptation of two fairytales from "The Nine Fairytales" book by Karel Čapek (specifically: "The Second Robber's Tale" and "The Great Doctor's Tale").
Director: | Karel Smyczek |
Cast: | Jiří Strach, Pavel Zedníček, Barbora Seidlová, Arnošt Goldflam, Ladislav Gerendáš, Jaroslav Sypal, Jiří Lábus, Miroslav Táborský |
Year: | 1996 |
Location: | Vysočina Collection of Rustic Structures - Veselý Kopec |